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R.M. Donaldson's Road to Publishing

I’ve been writing since I was nine. By the time I was sixteen I’d written over 10 over 300-page manuscripts I didn’t know what to do with. I thought when I was an adult I’d publish them, but I didn’t feel a ton of support that I’d get a publisher. Not because my work wasn’t good, but because it’s hard for everyone. Even J.K. Rowling had to fight up hill with a bolder on her back to publish. My father had self-published many books for his own family and classes he taught in church, so they all supported my trying that.

Though I do hope to find a traditional publisher some day, so I can focus on my writing more than marketing, I do really enjoy self-publishing. IT took me years of reading, practice, and taking corrections from over fifty people, I managed to make my first book paying only for the cost of the proof book. It wasn’t easy; it was humbling, and I’m not going to pretend my first book is amazing. IT’s not my best work, and I think I over edited it a lot. But I made it. How did I do it? That would be a story too long for a blog; it would be a book. So here are three basic tips that can help you do what I did.

  1. Let everyone edit your work – From your new boss, to your best-friend, to your schoolmate. Lots of eyes makes sure the book passes editing enough to make your audience happy. Your grammar professor may not like it (But see if he’ll read it for your too) it’s free editing.

  2. Read everything, but don’t use everything – I am sure my first book isnt’ as good a it could be because, like I said, I over edited it. So read and learn all you can, but make sure you don’t let it all go to you read to make your book nice in words but not in story. Please your readers and yourself not grammar fanatics and word lovers. Novels are about stories not words. Though good words are nice, don’t let it get in the way of your story.

  3. Test everything – Experiment and don’t be afraid to fail. It can make a huge difference. It’s okay to publish a book with not 100% perfect grammar. Focus on your story, and the story you love. Use beta books, beta readers, and test every idea you have.

These were three keys I found brought me to my success, and of course these awesome people at Knight Phoenix Publishing. I’ve loved my adventure with them and hope to work with them more.

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