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Top 5: Must-Read Classics

Classic books often are dealing with situations and problems many parents are nervous about letting their children study and read. Here are five we recommend as must read classics for your hungry readers.

1. The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain

A classic with many movie adaptions. A great read-aloud or read along for your children

2. The Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

A big classic hit in the life time of most of us but a old series to children these days. A great read to help children learn to be accepting and learn about the struggle of good and evil and life and death.

3. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

The Lord of the Rings maybe too big ad hard for young readers, but The Hobbit was designed for children and brings them into the deep world of Tolkien's literature in a way they can enjoy. A good read a chapter a night book for your children.

4. The Chronicles of Narina by C.S. Lewis

Another series that help introduce young readers to a keep level of literature. A series designed for children to help inspire their imagination and to ponder about their own world. Another great chapter a night style book, and it is a long series (like Harry Potter) to keep them reading longer.

5. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle

A book about exploring science in fantasy way to find ways through time and space. A book that is great for your middle grade reader nervous about growing up and finding adventure. Plus, Disney is about to make a movie out of it as if writing this. Maybe you can have your reader read it to earn seeing the movie.

Classics are improtatn for children to read to be able to handle college level books, understand many forms of literaure from movies to poltical speaches, and foster a love of reading. These are five books we recommend to get your young reader started. What classics would you recommend?

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